Add enough milk to moisten the stuffing. I just don’t know so stop asking.Don’t fillet the fish. Stuff with the dressing. Pretty good action and twists. I immediately shared the good news with Dave, who was completely baffled since he had never had it — or even heard of it — prepared this way.I always thought the recipe was handed down lovingly on my dad’s side by my Grandma Esther. Saying “That’s not how it happened.” Or, “You didn’t even live in that house then — you were only 5.” Blah blah blah. Why? Stuff the pike …

Carol Feck, to be exact.

It turned out delicious — though my dad wished he would have taken it out of the oven a little earlier.First you need a big-ass northern. Basically you don’t try to Y-bone it or fillet it — just gut and scale.Make your preferred stuffing recipe. Not as good as all the hype, in my opinion, but I did enjoy. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding.Scale and clean a large northern pike (27" or more). Audible book. I really do wish my mom would stop correcting my memory every time I try to tell a compelling and nostalgic story. How to Patch Large & Small Holes in Drywall, Build & Finish Drywall Arches, Tape & Finish Corners and Joints, How to Texture and Repair Texture in Drywallthat's the same way I stuff a haddock or salmon.

Serve the fish with lots of lemon wedges and melted butter.I can say with certainty that it satisfied this group of Namekagon River tubers: Add the onion, bacon, and bacon fat to enough bread crumbs to stuff the pike along with some sage, salt, and pepper. In fact, I was saying this very thing to Dave while my mom was within earshot and she nearly jumped down my throat, saying “That wasn’t Grandma Esther’s recipe!” [The printed word can’t actually convey how strongly she objected to this startling bit of apparent misinformation.] Not my favorite Bryson book. 1*-1.5 cups all purpose flour or panko bread crumbs. But that’s what my parents say and that’s also what all the discussions on the internet say. Do not fillet but scale and gut. I wasn’t there for that part, so I can’t give any details.

I realize now that I’m basically writing about myself.Are you listening Morgan Menke? More?So: my mom and dad have had a dear friend staying with them in Hayward and… he LOVES to fish. Actually, her memory is pretty good. Carol Feck, to be exact. It was an easy mistake to make. Remove the pieces of fish to a serving platter leaving the bones in place.You will be left with the fish skeleton over the dressing. / A Blast from the Past: Baked and Stuffed Northern Pike. Then I got word that we were having it baked and stuffed over the fourth of July. July 12, 2015 . --Not enough to choose for my bookclub though: it would have been carved up by those English-teaching wolves... ½ cup red pepper, diced. 13. Good, mindless listen. The recipe apparently came, not from my grandma, but from an old neighbor of my parents. Instead, gut it and scale it. What has me scratching my head, though, is that he is actually Is Dave boating around the corner and napping, rather than fishing?Anyway, somehow Stan even got my mom into the fishing boat, which I am trying hard to even picture.

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