I will mostly be focusing on building a responsive web app, so I am not For reference's sake, I know Vue really well, so I am not at all concerned about that aspect. This course was created by . I hope it's not something you (manually) add to every component. Node.js web framework AdonisJs is a Node.js web framework with a breath of fresh air and drizzle of elegant syntax on top of it. I have been playing around with it for the last day or so, and I am really digging it so far, and ready to jump in on a new project with it (just a personal project, FWIW--nothing that will get me fired if it goes poorly).Specifically, I am wondering if anyone using it has found any really good/bad parts that might not be immediately obvious from a quick jaunt through the docs. Vue will be fine :).So, everyone can relax and concentrate on the problem at hand. With the new function based component setups I assume it will be possible even without app extensions. It's also loaded with awesome helpers and utilities. I have a feeling, that with those new concepts, they see the future again.With the new function based component setups I assume it will be possible even without app extensions.“It” I assume being Quasar? It’s not a class based OOP language, yes, if that is what you meant. If you have a couple of other features mixed in that same component, then you are looking up and down the component in the different option groups to make sense of the feature. How cool is that? The only issues I had were little things, such as:The example code (view source) while complete didn't match the examples that came with the component docsThe Autocomplete component not having a disabled property,The Toaster utility not including a position property,The infinite scroll component sometimes threw a tantrum (that I wasn't able to narrow down on time so i just worked around it)little things, and its slightly jarring given the complete feel of the framework, but not unexpected for a relatively young project with a single maintainer.I think going with quasar is a safe bet, worked out fine in my case.The example code (view source) while complete didn't match the examples that came with the component docsI feel like I actually read something about this in their GitHub issues section, and they actually had a reasonable explanation for it, although I could be wrong.It is definitely odd that Toasts do not have a position property--that is pretty standard from what I have seen in most other frameworks.But still, like you said, these are fairly small things that can be worked around. At over 6K stars, Quasar is a popular framework for building Vue.js powered responsive websites, PWAs, hybrid mobile Apps and Electron apps. They work well and it's very nice that there's an iOS and Material theme you can easily switch. I’m a very simple guy … and I’m not a full-time programmer like many of your guys … so what attracted me to Vue in the first place was how simple and understandable it all felt …To me … I want simplicity and stability (and hopefully longevity) over all else … Vue 2 gives me all that now … Quasar gives me a great component framework over the top of that … I have what I need …I haven’t read the RFC … mainly because I probably wouldn’t understand a lot of it …From the sounds of those discussions … if Vue push ahead with radical changes … it sounds like there might be a community driven fork of Vue 2 …AND … Quasar could potentially move forward using that …To be fully honest, I am also fighting the urge to be on the detractor side of this RFC, only because as an intermediate developer, the clear “constraints” of the options object based API helped me do fairly good Vue programming and helped me jump into other people’s code and understand it fairly easily. This in turn means, a feature of a component may be spread out over a number of options.

It has in-depth documentation and robust, end-to-end implementation.

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